Creativity & Custom Design
Koorey Creations is a dynamic studio of hand fabricated jewelry and exemplary custom services. Our focus is to match the jewelry art we create with the living art that walks through our door!
Sometimes a purchase is made of a current custom piece and sometimes our customers have a particular idea in mind. We offer loose stones of our own to help achieve this goal or sometimes we use an offering from our client’s personal collection. In either case our focus is to create a piece that has heirloom quality, incredible comfort or practicality for daily wear, minimal upkeep and outstanding beauty.
An invitation from Koorey Creations
We welcome you to schedule an appointment to explore our ideas with our professional staff in an atmosphere of relaxation and fun. Our qualified staff are here to assist you.
Thank you,
Deborah Koorey, Family and Staff

The Custom Touch
– conversations with the Kooreys
Deborah Koorey, Owner: Some folks describe our pieces as European Styling. I just like to call them classically elegant with a creative twist. I’m proud of the fact that, for the most part, our heirloom quality pieces can be worn daily or for any fine occasion. They are stylish and uniquely crafted, and in many cases, simply one of a kind.
Deborah Koorey: We named our ring designs ‘Anatomic’ because we have added elements to the standard ‘comfort fit’ that insure, no matter which design is chosen, that the wearer’s experience will be pleasurable. Our design is engineered to match the anatomy of the finger and allows even people with burgeoning knuckle problems the hope of extended time in ring wear. As a byproduct of this fit, it almost always ensures that no re-shanking will ever be needed in the ring’s lifetime. Our choice of a minimal use of jewelry pronging also extends stone security and reduces the need for regular visits for stone checkups! Read more about our craft below.
Grace Koorey, Goldsmithing is a love of mine. I enjoy spending time with our customers to upgrade, create and engineer new ideas. I am so glad we have craftsmen who are highly skilled in all aspects of jewelry making. We excel in design and repair. As the third generation of Koorey goldsmiths I aspire to join the ranks of artisans recognized as masters in the jewelry field, continuing our legacy of offering the best of the best to our customers. There is always something new to learn!
Grace Koorey: Since I was a little girl, I have been around gemstones. Sometimes I take for granted these extraordinary treasures. I have been exposed to them on a daily basis. I think it is just the norm! Recently, I was researching a stone cutter for a customer. I found multiple articles in various international books that spoke about not only this cutter, but a host of others who have changed the stone cutting industry for good. As I reviewed the list I realized I personally know almost every one of these cutters! Some I had met as a small child. A child, who was graciously permitted to freely hold these dazzling gems. Now, as a young woman, I understand that I am privileged to work with these marvelous gems.
We handle your history with care
Deborah Koorey: Jewelry can be seemingly timeless as it flows between generations. It seems to be eternal as it ‘recreates’ itself through time. Occasionally, we take a moment to help reinvent its use. My belief is that when we choose to do this some things may be scrapped, some restructured, some re-designed and some saved for future generations. When a customer explores these options we are here to expertly assist them. We encourage our customers to take collectibles to be reviewed by other experts to determine their value as heirlooms, and not cash-in pieces for metal content alone.
Custom Design Services
Once an appointment is made for a consultation a Koorey Creations expert will explore and offer ideas to create a design using customer’s materials. We will then create sketches, if needed, to clarify the final design. A non-refundable fee is charged for sketching if no work is commissioned, otherwise it is part of the end price. All custom jobs using customer materials are at customer risk. Any unacceptable risk shall be clearly noted to the customer at point of sale or any time during design development. On special orders 1/2 down is required, with balance due upon delivery. Estimated Delivery time: 6- 8 weeks.
Koorey Creations offers an alteration and repair service. Small repair usually takes one to two weeks, unless otherwise noted. All repairs are done at the customer’s risk. All unacceptable risks are noted to customer before proceeding.
At times, to finish a piece exactly to your specifications, we may have to do detail drawings for your approval. We require a payment for these sketches whether the customer proceeds to commission the actual piece or not. We do reserve the right to keep the designs made from these sketches when no work is commissioned. All designs remain the property of Koorey Creations.
Most of the Classic Koorey Creations pieces use the process of the Lost Wax Casting or hand fabrication. See more about our process below.

Our Craft
“Classic” Koorey Creations are the designs that have been born straight from the Koorey Family. They are the highest standard custom we can personally provide. These designs were created to move beyond industry standards of jewelry making in every way and they are the designs that make us famous! After three generations of jewelry making, they are, forgive the pun, the gold standard of jewelry design in our stores.
What Makes”Classic” Koorey Creations Designs Unique?
Simplicity: We try to create a design that allows the center gem the chance to shine. The design is the servant of the center. Harmony between the two is essential.
Sculptural: Many of our pieces are like mini-sculptures. We take the time to give these pieces more art dimension and presence. They take more time, but are worth it!
Edgeless Design: This concept was born out of the need for comfort and form. We round most edges for a physically and visually sensual result. This usually requires more metal.
Anatomic Fit: In partnership with “Edgeless Design” this fit is suited to how the human hand is made. We developed this style of fitting to encourage maximum physical enjoyment of our rings.
Low Maintenance: In classic designs we try to use methods of setting that require less maintenance, such as channels and flush settings. We also bolster the bottom of the ring where the shank wears away more quickly. All this with the thought in mind that our customers would prefer to spend their money on the next piece of Koorey Creations Art over a repair!
Attention to Detail: The time spent in Classic Designs has taught us that we must pay attention to the details. This attitude has promoted the same search for excellence in our support accessories, such as chains, earrings and bracelets. If the item is in our store it has been examined by our goldsmiths for reliability and function before it is presented for sale. Our customers seem to appreciate this policy.
Lost Wax Casting/Hand Fabrication
At Koorey Creations you will see jewelry made using Lost Wax Casting and hand fabrication techniques, both time honored traditions in jewelry making.
Lost Wax Casting is a process by which a metal (such as gold, silver, brass or bronze) sculpture is cast from an artist’s model, usually made of wax. In this process a mold is created when the wax model is encased in a heat-proof mold material and melted away, leaving a hollow core that can be filled with molten metal. Carving, casting and finishing a piece of jewelry using this technique usually takes 8-10 hours, but some pieces with intricate designs could take up to 50 hours.
Hand fabrication involves creating a piece of jewelry by assembling preformed metal sheet, wire and bar stock. Individual pieces are welded and soldered together using a torch. The time involved to create a hand-fabricated piece of jewelry depends on the design complexity.
Both Lost Wax Casting and hand fabrication techniques are sometimes used on a single piece of jewelry.
The Lost Wax Method of creating jewelry, from start to finished piece.