Paths To Purchase
Would you like further information about purchasing an item you’ve seen on this website?
Please fill out the simple inquiry forms found on the pages for Masterworks, New Designs Showcase, For Her, For Him, and Sets. A Koorey Creations professional will respond to your inquiry via email within 3 business days. We respect your privacy and will never sell or distribute your information to others for unsolicited marketing.
Would you like to register your selection(s) with Koorey Creations or send a special “Hint” to someone who may be shopping for you in the future?
Please fill out this hint/registry form to forward your wish via email to your recipient. We will not solicit by phone unless the recipient requests a call from us.
Would you like to set up an appointment with one of our professional consultants to create a custom design, have an item repaired, or have gold evaluated for its scrap value?
Please fill out this request form to set up an appointment with Koorey Creations.

Owner Deborah Koorey, invites you to contact them using these simple forms. Just click on the highlighted links.
Visit these links for more information on: